This proposal is submitted on Auction Admin track: coretime is already scheduled to be enacted during LP17 and this proposal aims to have a safeguard to take a more cautious approach and schedule 8 auctions during LP17 for LP18 in case coretime is not ready in time. If coretime enacts successfully (as in Kusama Network) these auctions won’t be needed and the auctions cancellation will happen directly with the runtime upgrade including the migration to coretime.
These will be 8 auctions for LP18, auctions happening on LP17.
Schedule hash: 15cc5a33781f3b0514473401a7ca5806a74c9123502d22f6bbc7b978b3fe337c
Proposal Hash: 0x4031a089a8ca3a085d53387fc9a1a510d9a1371be578fe99ccef8307a5220556
Preimage is submitted: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc-polkadot.luckyfriday.io#/extrinsics/decode/0x0a00e81a0404010287a871b4d621f0b973475aafcc32610bd7688f1502338acd00ee488ac3620f4c00d5470101491e020008000000004800e2a5010048
Please make sure to review and vote at your convenience!