I am the only Polkadot Ambassador in Finland, so far.
I have been working tirelelssly to establish the basis for a local community here up north, completely on a voluntary basis. As part of that slow but steady progress, I found organisers for one of the four European Polkadot Decoded Viewing Parties and I've encouraged other people to become candidates in the Ambassadors program. I have also created connections to reliable crypto influencers and citizen journalists.
Hopium Podcast
Hopium is a Finnish language podcast about crypto and blockchain, available on Spotify and on YouTube. It is a citizen journalism initiative outside of our "Dotsama bubble". I was invited to talk about Polkadot in their 44th episode. You can listen to it here (in Finnish):
This was the first time ever that Polkadot is discussed in any Finnish media. Based on the feedback received, it will not be the last one. The hosts would like to do a follow up episode, delving deeper into Polkadot DeFi. I'll be sure not to do that interview alone.
Time investment
Although the groundwork has taken months, the preparation for this podcast specifically was about eight hours and the recording itself about two hours. In reality, I've used much more time. See, this is my first ever OpenGov proposal and the second time I try. First time failed because I chose a wrong preimage. I want to do this right so I can confidently instruct others how to submit proposals later on.
The tip that I’m asking for is for 10 hours of work, 5 DOT per hour, 50 DOT in total.
Polkadot community activation from scratch is an arduous process. On our journey to futher 'human decentralization', those who represent Polkadot in the media and initiate the conversations that matter should get tips as incentives, at least before the on-chain Ambassadors Collective is in full steam.
Please vote Aye to show that all this learning through trial and error matters.