Dear @Coinstudio,
Thank you for your proposal. Our vote on this proposal is AYE.
The Medium Spender track requires 50% quorum and simple majority according to our voting policy. This proposal has received seven aye and zero nay votes from ten members, with one member abstaining. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
The referendum received strong support, with members emphasizing the necessity of supporting system parachain collators and recognizing the involved team as trustworthy and well-established in the ecosystem. Some acknowledged concerns around invulnerable slots but expressed confidence in future improvements. One member abstained due to a conflict of interest but acknowledged the proposal's rationale. Overall, the proposal was widely seen as a necessary and fair initiative.
The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO
DISCLAIMER: Our members, Polkadotters, who are one of the operators, have abstained from voting on this internal referendum.
Hopefully this conversation about invulnerable slots can be continued and not dismissed because this is relevant to the future of Polkadot public execution layers, specially the ones that will expect high transactionality and that expect a revamp in the short term future i.e. Plaza/AssetHub/PolkadotHub. We view this a necessary conversation to have specially if Plaza/AssetHub/PolkadotHub goes live which it’s expected to gather high transactionality and applications right off the bat. For Plaza/AssetHub/PolkadotHub the number of concentrated invulnerable collators within single entities (including Parity) should be reconsidered and even planned for a complete removal likely in favor of 100% permissionless collators (or at least as close to 100% we can move to). This should be kept within the realm of possibilities, discussed and planned in advance, hopefully with a gradual test on Kusama first.
For now we will vote AYE on this Polkadot referendum to maintain the operations on Polkadot uninterrupted but we will move the big discussion about this topic to Kusama and the Polkadot forum so hopefully we hear your participation over there.