Thanks for your work on this proposal. I read through it, including why you’re asking for funds directly from the Polkadot Treasury.
I’ll have to vote NAY here, because I think it’d be better to request Phase 1 funding from the Kusama Treasury first. Once Phase 1 is done, you could then ask Polkadot for Phase 2 funds. This way, it fits better with how Kusama (for early-stage projects) and Polkadot (for more mature ones) usually work.
Hope you’ll consider this option! I’m happy to discuss it further if needed.
Aye for sure!
RegionX has done a great job maintaining a user-friendly Coretime page, which is crucial for the ecosystem.
Dear Proposer,
Thank you for your proposal. Our first vote on this proposal is NAY.
The Medium Spender track requires 50% quorum and simple majority of all voters according to our voting policy. This proposal has received one aye and four nay votes from ten members, with three members abstaining. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
In the referendum, voters expressed varied opinions regarding the proposal. Some supported the idea but suggested funding through a different treasury, while others abstained, citing a need for more context or uncertainty about the project's phased approach between two platforms. Dissenting voices raised concerns about the necessity of a dedicated parachain for the initiative, emphasizing that existing solutions could suffice. Overall, the responses highlighted a mixture of support, skepticism, and caution regarding the project's execution and funding mechanisms.
The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO
Disregarding the technicalities, I think it is becoming more important to actually drive demand. Building tech itself is not enough anymore to get more adoption.
When do you see this as a success? How many cores do you want to sell per month?
If the rationale behind proposing a Parachain is to enable more flexible programmability, I have a number of proposed solutions that we can pursue via RFCs and would be more sustainable long term:
While step 3 is more controversial, step 1 and 2 are not, and I believe they can fulfill most of your requirements, avoiding the need for another parachain.