Hi everyone,
As many of you may already know, Polkadot-API was envisioned to provide a robust and flexible suite of libraries that prioritize composability, modularity, and a light-client-first approach. Our goal remains to equip dApp developers with powerful tools that simplify the creation of truly decentralized applications while continuously refining the developer experience.
Over the past development cycles, we have introduced new features and enhancements to Polkadot-API, along with additional libraries that complement and expand its capabilities. We've also released a series of tech demos that are valuable in their own right, while also showcasing the potential of these libraries. A detailed breakdown of our recent progress can be found in our latest update on the Polkadot forum.
We are seeking funding for ongoing development and maintenance through the Polkadot Community Foundation, for the months from February 2025 to December 2025. As outlined in their documentation, the beneficiary is their address in AssetHub.
You can review all the details of the proposal in the following Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZedk7Q0yEkJ9cAtl_IaAgQLr3vjSWdPjvhjC4UN5Oc
Once the referendum is approved, the PCF and Polkadot-API team will go through the following process:
We have allocated a buffer of $7,000 for PCF legal and operational costs. After the process is complete, the PCF will refund the remaining amount back to the Polkadot Treasury.
Thank you for your support.
Polkadot-API Dev Team (@Josep, @carlosala, and @voliva)
Dear Proposer,
Thank you for your proposal. Our first vote on this proposal is AYE.
The Medium Spender track requires 50% quorum and simple majority of all voters according to our voting policy. This proposal has received six aye and zero nay votes from ten members. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO