Referendum #1262
Treasury Spend #71

#71·Infrastructure Funding for Polkadot Asset Hub #3 - Atomic swaps, Offers, Maintenance

2mos ago
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Atomic swaps is a very interesting feature, do you guys have a technical implementation of it or technical sketch on which chains are in the roadmap to support Assethub <> ChainX, which chains will the atomic swaps on assethub support? How will you guys do the Atomic swap order book?

Assethub <> Monero, Atomic swaps would be really cool to see and a great way to get more of the Monero community to get a foot in the Dotsama world but easily being able to swap monero to DOT(or whatever token) on Assethub.


Platform Data Total Users (GA): 71K since Jan 2021 Monthly Active Users (GA, Oct 2024): 4.2K Weekly Active Users: 872 Daily Active Users: 201 Total Transactions (Indexer): 35,000+ Total Trading Volume: ~$92,210.91 across RMRK, Kusama, and Polkadot

These metrics simply do not justify a request for significant funding, in my honest opinion. In no other industry would such figures warrant additional investment. In fact, with this low level of traction, it’s almost certain that 99% of startups would fail to secure further funding. Lead investors, especially in traditional markets, would avoid pouring more capital into a project that has delivered such limited results.

The fact that so many DVs voted "AYE" on this referendum highlights deep flaws in the DV program itself — a concern I’ve raised repeatedly, though it’s often dismissed because people prefer to avoid uncomfortable truths.

I challenge any DV to explain why Polkadot should continue funding a project that has only reached 71,000 users since early 2021, with a mere 200 daily active users (many of which could be bots, given the limitations of Google Analytics in verifying organic traffic).

This kind of misallocation is a glaring example of why $DOT struggles to gain upward momentum. By enabling inefficient spending and failing to hold projects accountable, DVs and whales without proper business acumen actively repel serious investors. These practices undermine the ecosystem, and there seems to be no mechanism in place to stop it.


Dear @damsky,

Thank you for your proposal. Our vote on this proposal is AYE. Below is a summary of our members' comments:

The referendum received strong support, with most voters praising the proposal's quality and its potential to enhance the ecosystem's art and NFT presence. Supporters noted improvements in branding and artwork quality, while some expressed uncertainty about its long-term impact and cost-effectiveness, particularly in light of upcoming developments. One abstained, and a minority raised concerns about the cost-benefit balance, but overall, the proposal was positively received with thoughtful considerations.

The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.

Kind regards,
Permanence DAO
