RFC: The Genesis Incentive Pool

1yr ago

Hey Polkadot Community,

Previously I published this post which introduced an idea called Incentive Pools. Incentive Pools are a novel mechanism for implementing results-based funding in the Polkadot treasury. After consulting with the community and iterating on the idea I am back with another post which discusses the Genesis Incentive Pool: A proposal for to support Talisman and Polkadot through results-based funding. It's still pretty rough and in many places just includes DOT points rather than proper writing but it's basically there. 


I would really appreciate your comments and feedback as I intend to push this to the treasury as a referenda soon.

If you're like me you think this is an issue that matters A LOT,  and you want to have more direct impact than just writing a comment on Polkassembly, please check out this notion page where you can:

  1. Track the evolution of the proposal document
  2. See my responses to questions I've received on Discord, Telegram, Polkadot Forum, Polkassembly, etc
  3. Book a meeting with me to discuss further
  4. Submit feedback privately that I promise to respond to 

Let's make Polkadot great! 

~ Agyle

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