Polkadot’s strategy in 2025 is driven by the release of a new EVM-compatible smart contract platform in Polkadot Hub as well as the continued evolution of Polkadot Cloud. As a follow on to the four OpenGov proposals OpenZeppelin completed in 2024 (1, 2, 3, 4), OpenZeppelin has been collaborating Parity to support the launch of Polkadot Hub in 2025 with developer enablement (Solidity contract libraries and tooling) and to continue to support Polkadot Cloud with iterative updates.
OpenZeppelin brings a wealth of experience in developer enablement to the ecosystem, especially as Polkadot moves to target native Solidity developers and widely-used DeFi protocols for Polkadot Hub launch. Not only has OpenZeppelin has been the “point of entry” for many developers who are first learning smart contracts, who study OpenZeppelin’s contract libraries, such as the ERC20, ERC721, upgradeable, and so on, but OpenZeppelin contracts are the standard contracts that almost all protocols build upon:
OpenZeppelin is on the leading edge of a number of cross-ecosystem initiatives, including interop, privacy/ZK, and standards creation. Most recently, OpenZeppelin wrote and audited the flagship feature of Uniswap v4, the Hooks library, and is currently developing a based rollup stack with Taiko.
With this experience, OpenZeppelin can be a strong strategic partner to Parity and the broader Polkadot Ecosystem in their mission to launch a new platform and attract a new generation of developers with Polkadot Hub.
The collaboration has already started, and OpenZeppelin is currently working with Parity following the completion of the last treasury proposal. This proposal provides a context for the official working relationship over the next year.
Please see the full proposal here.