Polkadot Hydration: Treasury LP

1yr ago
AI Summary
Up 5

I can't agree anymore


Thoroughly though out, impressive planning, and significant that a proposal like this can be implemented in a non custodial way through governance of two DAOs - Hydra and Polkadot. And represented as NFTs. This does not cost the treasury anything besides theoretical IL and will make trading smooth, easier than centralized exchanges with more flexibility that centralized options. Seems big

I do wonder what the thoughts are about the fee rewards from the LP. Are these planned to be in HDX? Would the fees then be on Polkadot sovereign account on Hydra?

Up 1

I wholeheartedly support the Polkadot DAO depositing DOT into the HydraDX Omnipool. Just like seven other parachain teams/DAOs have discovered and decided to deposit a portion of their treasury funds into the Omnipool to increase liquidity for their token. I love that it's a single-sided deposit so the treasury doesn't have to 'sell' their tokens. And I love that instead of being a reoccurring cost to provide more LM incentives, instead the tokens deposited will not be spent and can remain part of the Omnipool liquidity indefinitely.

I'd suggest increasing it to at least 1M DOT, as many others have said.

Up 4

Why did it take until Feb 2024 to put this prop in? Why is it not doubled to 1,000,000 DOT already?

Up 1

Absolute Nobrainer of a proposal. Definitely increase it to 1m DOT. Makes no sense to go half assed. The DOT LP position is one of the best perfoming ones in the Omnipool, as DOT is, with USDT together, the natural on and offramp of the Omnipool, so IL is even less.

No need to add more to what Csaint said regarding the importance of increasing our ecosystems TVL with innovative features. Curious people who will have their first contact with the Polkadot ecosystem via HydraDX will be pleasantly surprised what a smooth experience and technological advancement Polkadot has to show.

Up 4

Lets send this to 1m, for experience the IL of DOT on Omnipool is very little, since match very well all other assets in the Omnipool and market... so lets take advantage of this Single-sided LP

And show the great tech behind ( DCA, OTC, Yield DCA) with a low slippage ( maybe even better than cexs?

Up 3

Hello from Polkadotters.
We are in favor of this proposal, as it benefits users the most. Btw. very good explanation was presented at yesterday's AAG.
As many other said before, it's rational to increase the sum to 1M DOT.

Up 4

Agree 1M seems very logical boost liquidity in the omnipool will benefit the whole polkadot ecosystem.

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As Polkadot's preferred DEX, HydraDX's superior performance is worthy of Polkadot's treasury investing more DOT into Omnipool's liquidity. Support increasing this amount to 1M.


