Investment Conference Series for Polkadot, with Revenue-share Model for Treasury

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@Birdo 🐥 For the same reasons as in the previous proposal :-) We are looking to enter into a long term partnership with the events organiser and have therefore been able to negotiate a discount of around 50% compared to running this on an event-by-event basis. Put differently, if we were to request funds on a quarterly basis over the next two years, we would likely need $2m to get the same amount of exposure at these events.


Hi @Colorful Notion . Thanks for your feedback! I wish you were right, and we could run this on a quarterly basis, do utility.batch or run it through the Events Bounty. It would certainly be much less OpenGov drama :-)

But the reality is, the best Family Office Summit Operators don't work like that. They are very old school and value long-term relationship which they are used to from working with big banks or PE Funds. They need long term planning and predictability to even consider allowing us to sponsor these events and thereby bringing Polkadot in front of some of the wealthiest investors in the world. If I tell them we'll sponsor the first quarter and then maybe/maybe not continue, "depending on the next vote of the Polkadot DAO", they'll tell us to go home, or if we're lucky, charge a heavy premium for a one-off event. I really want to stress this point, these are not your typical crypto-bro events that we're trying to organise here.

You mentioned you'd like to see more track record, but I would argue that we already have plenty of track record in organising investor conferences and raising a fund for Polkadot (I invite you to look at my LinkedIn for evidence). Now we're looking to scale it, hence need the help of the treasury.

You also said we ignored the key piece of advice. I disagree. The key piece of advice we received on the previous Refs was that the treasury should get a more direct ROI from our fundraising efforts. With the changes in this proposal I think we have done exactly that.


We admire your determination, but it looks like all you need is ONE guy to lend you $700K who believes in your conversion rate on these Family Office Summits for you to pay your event organizer. Go find that guy =)



Up 1

@Colorful Notion I think you are misunderstanding our plans here a little bit. We will work with multiple organisers, not just one. We are offering to coordinate and organise Polkadot's presence at these events, but HIC will be the one to pay back sponsorship costs to the treasury through this 1% rev-share model. Nonetheless, we will involve the Polkadot community from the beginning, aim for an inclusive representation of Polkadot at all the events, and invite other Polkadot-based projects to come along and fundraise for themselves alongside us.


The same feedback I give to everyone here:

Ask for $50,000, and show us what you can do with one of these summits.

If you can show good results and outcomes, then you can come back to the treasury for, let's say $100,000 for 2 more of these.

Then continue to increase the amount you request as you continue to show high quality output and results.

Your ask for $1M directly, in my opinion, shows you know little about how to properly navigate the Polkadot Treasury.

EDIT: Also hilarious to me you just keep trying to submit the same proposal.


It would be smart to slash your account if you just keep spamming this proposal in the big spender queue without making significant changes and taking into account feedback from previous proposals.



Hi @PolkaNinja Many thanks for your comment, however, there are many claims in your post which are factually wrong.

•⁠ ⁠When supporting parachain teams, we performed DD similar to VC investments and kept close contact with many teams, especially with our largest exposures.
•⁠ ⁠Out of over 20 teams that we supported, it was to be expected that some projects would not perform eventually. Since you mention Kylin, their token was already listed at the time of the auction and the economics made sense back then. Singling out this project now is like playing Monday morning quarterback.
•⁠ ⁠For Fund I, we were already approached with countless pitches, most of which we had to turn down. We have a significant investment ourselves in our fund plus the profit share, so are certainly incentivised to not splash cash at any random team

It would be appreciated if going forward you speak to us first or do more background check before asserting anonymously that someone lacks experience or track record.


@🍀 Lucky Friday - OpenGov 🍀 Thank you for your comment. I don't know why you think that changing something from a cost centre for the treasury to a budget neutral item is considered "no significant change".

Regarding the suggestion that we should ask for funding of one event and then come back for more.... We have already done that. We have for example organised the CEE Wealth Summit in Vienna in June which was funded by the Events Bounty.

As stated previously, yes, we could continue asking funding from EB for every individual event. But this way it will cost the treasury about twice the amount in total, as we would not be able to take advantage of the 50% discount offered by events organisers for sponsoring the entire series.


@Shawn Tabrizi Thanks for your comment, yes if this proposal fails we will break it down into smaller bits as you have suggested. The reason why we haven't done it that way yet, is because for the entire event series we can get a significant discount (~50%) from the event organiser. But I still see you point about doing it more as a step-by-step approach.

Where I do have to disagree with you is your suggestion that we keep coming back with the proposal without significant changes. If you read it, you would notice that 899 was designed as a cost centre for the treasury, whereas 1029 includes a rev-share which would make this ref budget neutral for the treasury. If this is not a significant change, that should allow for a resubmission, I don't know what is.
