6.5$m seems like a lot and a bit too early.
We first have to increase demand for Polkadot data and max out all the services that our current providers, like Dune and Token Terminal, are providing.
Voting NAY
The previously rejected chainalysis proposals received high amount and quality of feedback & suggested improvements from the Polkadot community, yet feedback is continuously ignored by the proposer... not rly improved as the title says
After carefully evaluating the proposal and the comments that were released on the AAG show I have voted NAY.
I'm nay,
I'll admit I had lost hope on this one and presumed they would have been smart enough to bring the votes force this through. Maybe I over-estimated their preparedness and cunning.
Riveting to watch this play out.
Does anyone know how Giotto profits monetarily from this proposal?
I doubt he believes this proposal is beneficial for Polkadot.
@CHAINALYSIS : Did you make any arrangements with Giotto—I mean, Michiko-san?
Are threat actors commonly using Polkadot? How does Polkadot compare to other ecosystems? According to this source, the OFAC does not track any Polkadot addresses. How will this work given that "Detection of sanction activity" is a key deliverable?