Please reconsider proposing the same project, which was already downvoted by the community. With only ~3,000 followers on Telegram, it's unrealistic to expect that your project will attract even 10% of the 950 million Telegram users to Polkadot, so I'm not sure why you keep including this sales speech in your proposals when the data point has no relevance. Additionally, this referendum should be requesting funds in USDT which the treasury has a lot of currently, not $DOT which has a volatile price especially as of late. There is no mention of the proposed costs and timeline for "Stage 2" development work, as this proposal is only covering "Stage 1" in Q1 of 2023. It's important to know the full scope of the project, budget, and timelines otherwise we could be committing prematurely to a project that has a lot of hidden costs that are not obvious at first glance.
Please reconsider proposing the same project, which was already downvoted by the community. With only ~3,000 followers on Telegram, it's unrealistic to expect that your project will attract even 10% of the 950 million Telegram users to Polkadot, so I'm not sure why you keep including this sales speech in your proposals when the data point has no relevance. Additionally, this referendum should be requesting funds in USDT which the treasury has a lot of currently, not $DOT which has a volatile price especially as of late. There is no mention of the proposed costs and timeline for "Stage 2" development work, as this proposal is only covering "Stage 1" in Q1 of 2023. It's important to know the full scope of the project, budget, and timelines otherwise we could be committing prematurely to a project that has a lot of hidden costs that are not obvious at first glance.