Building on the success and traction of proposals #812 and #948, which delivered:
ReactiveDOT: A PAPI FE library for React and Vue
DOTConnect: A wallet connector UI library
DOTConsole: A Substrate developer console
I am requesting funding to continue the development of ReactiveDOT and DOTConnect, with the goal of releasing their first stable versions.
- Incorporate community feedback and feature requests
- Finalize public-facing APIs
- Achieve at least 65% test coverage
- Provide detailed API documentation and sample usage
- Create improved tutorials
- Release version 1
Funding Request
- Period: December 2024 to March 2025
- Duration: 3 months / 65 workdays / 520 hours
- Requested Amount: 67,600 USDC (@ 130 USDC/hour)