Hey Builders!
This proposal represents a strategic opportunity to collaborate with Astar Network, AlephZero, and Phala Network on ink! tooling.
We are excited to submit our proposal to the Polkadot Treasury for the development of Swanky, a comprehensive developer tooling solution designed to facilitate and streamline ink! (Rust) smart contract development within the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. Drink! aims to provide support for ink! developers. It comes in two parts: 1. Drink library, which provides a minimal Substrate runtime allowing for ink! contracts development, together with a facade interface for interacting with it. 2. drink-cli command line tool, which puts Drink behind a friendly TUI. Our goal is to attract new developers to this space by simplifying the process of starting and managing projects.
This proposal aims to claim funding from the Polkadot Treasury for work on the Swanky Suite tool, Drink! Tool, ink! examples, and educational content in the period from September 2023 to February 2024.
To ensure transparency and accountability, we propose a task-based approach to funding. Our roadmap clearly outlines each stage of ink!Hub's development, with defined objectives and deliverables. Funding will be released upon the successful completion of each task (and after review and approval through Multisig), demonstrating tangible progress and value to the Polkadot community.
We value your feedback on the roadmap, which we've already shared with the Astar community on the: