This Referendum proposes curators for the OG Rust Bounty which was initiated by Ref #1377.
The following curators are proposed:
- Valery Gantchev / cl0w - founder of the Polkadot Assurance Legion (PAL), contributor to Hydration and Rust engineer;
- Jakub Panik - CTO of Galactic Council, contributor to Hydration and Rust engineer;
- Bastian Köcher - a guy at Parity working on Polkadot since 2018 using Rust. Fellowship member. Developed Cumulus and some stuff around.
- Donal Murray - Parity core dev, System Parachains lead and fellowship member;
- 0xTaylor - ChaosDAO Co-Founder, Technical Advisor, Security Researcher, and Consultant.
The curator account is a pure proxy which is controlled by a 3/5 multisig consisting of the members mentioned above.
The curators are expected to dedicate at least 0.2 FTE for the fullfillment of their duties under the bounty in question, in exchange for a monthly remuneration of $3000 (paid out in DOT). Fellowship members can decide to carry out the work as part of their Fellowship duties, in which case they will not receive a (full) remuneration under this bounty.
For more information please consult the original proposal.
Dear Proposer,
Thank you for your proposal. Our first vote on this proposal is AYE.
The Big Spender track requires 60% quorum according to our voting policy. This proposal has received seven aye and zero nay votes from ten members, with three members abstaining. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO