Hi guys. Thanks for the proposal. Can you please share statistics of Hyperbridge since launch?
Thank you for your detailed answer. Appreciate this. Thanks.
However, the posted information just highlighted even more than the requested 4,000,000$ (NOW - could be even more with DOT price pump) for the platform with 1,9K MONTHLY Active wallets
Sounds like a big nay on my side. However, I`m pretty sure that the deal was already agreed on under the "table".
So, no worries. My Nay will not impact the result of this proposal.
Hi @ImdioR , I would like to clarify that there have been no "under the table" deals. Our discussion was posted last year with rave reviews. I personally have discussed this with the community through my numerous tweets on the subject with nothing but positive feedback. Even more so, a member of the hyperbridge and Polkadot community took it upon themselves to seed a DOT/ETH pool on base, the same day hyperbridge launched.
In concert with the ongoing KAITO leaderboard campaign, this could see a lot of new users enter the polkadot ecosystem through hyperbridge. The proposal is split up into 4 tranches allowing the community to terminate the programme at any time they feel like it isn't working. This proposal is nothing but positive for the polkadot ecosystem and I fail to see how the daily active users prevents bifrost from unlocking this major opportunity.
Can Bifrost please share: