Hello community!
We are posting this proposal to move Polkadot Live development into the community and aim to get funding for 1 full-time senior software engineer for a 12 month period.
Ross Bulat (Parity Technologies) demoed a new blockchain user experience at Polkadot Decoded 2023, showing how Polkadot interaction can happen on the desktop.
The app, named Polkadot Live, is centred around 2 key fundamentals:
This proposal in an effort to secure funding to onboard one full-time senior developer to contribute to the Polkadot Live product and bring it to an initial release. This full time developer will report directly to Ross, who leads and oversees the direction of the app.
This will primarily be an engineering effort, but promotion / marketing efforts will also be explored when the product is ready for a beta release, in order to receive feedback from the community and shape the product to community expectations.
Proposal Details:
Proposal Start Date: 27th September 2023
Proposal Submitted By: Joel Kenny, JKRB Investments / Website / LinkedIn
Advisor, Technical Direction: Ross Bulat, Parity Technologies
Requested Funds: 24,937 DOT ($100k @ $4.01 / 1 DOT)
Planned Fund Allocation:
Full Proposal Document: Google Doc
Pre-Proposal Discussion with Feedback: Polkassemby Link
Polkadot Live Proposal Summary