Proposal Summary
This is a marketing proposal for the most amazing Polkadot project ever:
$PINK, a Polkadot memecoin, shilling less tech and more pink.
The best thing about Polkadot isn't its technology.
The best thing about Polkadot is its pinkness.
Pinkness makes DOT's price go up.
Uniswap is Ethereum's most valuable DeFi project.
Because unicorns are pink, and everyone knows that all projects want to be unicorns.
We are requesting 999,999 DOT to market the best part of Polkadot - being pink - to the entire world.
Pink Community
$PINK already has impressive community stats:
With this proposal, we can create an even pinker and more amazing $PINK community to promote Polkadot’s best feature: being pink.
Value to DOT Holders
All DOT holders know that the best thing about Polkadot is that it’s pink.
Dr. Gavin Wood clearly agrees; otherwise, why would Polkadot’s logo be pink?
To vote nay on this $PINK proposal would be to directly go against Gavin.
But for those who are on the fence, here is a short list of amazing things that are pink:
We could go on listing more amazing things that are pink, but the above examples should convince even the biggest doubters of pink’s clear value proposition.
$PINK will also be issued on AssetHub, given Polkadot’s amazing security, which, despite being a tech feature, is probably Polkadot’s most pink tech feature.
Pinkness = DOT price goes up.
Why Go To The Treasury
The $PINK community is made up of builders, many of whom joined the Polkadot community a few days ago.
Raising money from VCs takes up a lot of time, and we’d rather focus on building $PINK.
Pinkness is a common good, and the Polkadot treasury exists to fund common goods.
Pinkness is also the best thing about Polkadot.
For these reasons, this proposal is entitled to the maximum amount of funding (999,999 DOT).
Pink Budget
It should be obvious why this proposal is a no-brainer, but we understand that many voters value transparency.
As a self-declared common good project, we also have a social contract with the Gov1 Committee, who is supportive of this proposal.
For anyone interested in evidence of this social contract, we tried sending messages to former council members to confirm, but we were unable to figure out how to use Element, given it is quite complex. Since we are too busy building, we didn’t have the time to figure it out, so you'll just have to trust us.
But because we care a lot about the Polkadot ecosystem, we have provided a cost breakdown below.
Pink Path to Sustainability
$PINK’s path to sustainability is obvious: its pinkness.
If This Doesn’t Pass
We highly doubt this proposal won't pass because of $PINK’s awesomeness.
The best thing about Polkadot is not its technology.
The best thing about Polkadot is its pinkness.
Everyone knows that pinkness makes DOT’s price go up.
Funding this proposal = DOT price goes up.
Proposal for $PINK Memecoin
Should parody referenda be killed, or just Nay'd.