Proponent: (Real Vision (Raoul Pal)): 14TBcRgp166DXvMv9ZCJbKSqanUGP6tguryPQcaBqjQp8d4m
Date: 22nd November, 2023
Requested DOT: 53724 DOT (USD $281,250) (Rate: $5.235 / DOT based on an EMA7 rate on Subscan on 22nd November,, 2023)
Short description:
We are pursuing funding to provide a series of interviews, videos, X space, and events in conjunction with Real Vision that will provide significant value and brand awareness to Polkadot.
About us:
Real Vision is a financial and cryptocurrency media platform delivering daily education content, macro investing insights, and news coverage from the brightest minds in finance, Web 3, cryptocurrency, and emerging technology (see Our founder, Raoul Pal, is a legendary investor, Web 3 / cryptocurrency enthusiast, and exponential age thinker who is passionate about sharing his ideas and thoughts on emerging technologies that will change the world (@RaoulGMI on X).
Real Vision has a thriving and active financial and cryptocurrency community of 350,000 worldwide members who are very active within the Real Vision platform and across major social channels (YouTube, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook) accessing the latest intel and information around cryptocurrency and Web 3 trends. Many of the members access content on the Real Vision platform and/or social channels on a daily basis. Real Vision has 1M monthly views on YouTube channels and 700k monthly downloads of its podcasts (Real Vision Daily Briefing and Raoul Pal JourneyMan). Raoul Pal has over 1M Twitter / X followers and over 11.5M monthly impressions. Real Vision can help Polkadot gain traction and awareness with financial and cryptocurrency influencers globally.
Scope of work
Components and Timing:
● December 2023 – Expand Reach and Awareness with 2 weeks inclusion in Real Vision Daily Briefing (RVDB) and Raoul Pal JourneyMan. Content inclusion will be based on an interview with Raoul Pal and Polkadot.
● December 2023 – Additional Cryptocurrency Reach and Awareness via an X space hosted by Real Vision featuring Raoul Pal and his 1M+ X followers discussing Polkadot
● January 2024 – Provide thought leadership and learning to Real Vision cryptocurrency enthusiasts via a Festival of Learning event. Real Vision will host a 2 day, online event focused on highlighting trends in blockchain, awareness and education on Polkadot and what use cases it solves. Raoul Pal will promote the event across Real Vision 2M+ followers across all social channels.
● March 2024 – Broad-based awareness and influence for Polkadot during a 2 day online event (Crypto Gathering) hosted by Real Vision. Leaders and analysts in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space will converge for these 2 days to discuss trends, innovations, and global perspectives in the cryptocurrency, Web 3, and blockchain space. Polkadot will be highlighted throughout the event. Raoul Pal will promote the event across Real Vision 2M+ followers across all social channels.
● Q2 2024 – Networking with Real Vision financial and cryptocurrency VIP influencers during a 1 day, in-person event that will be focused on discussing visions and strategies for Web 3 and blockchain. Raoul Pal will be in person at the event. Polkadot will be highlighted during the event.
For more information on this proposal, see here
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