Hi everyone!
Velocity Labs here, proposing the curator set for the DeFi Infrastructure and Tooling Bounty, which has already been voted on and approved by the community. We're grateful for the overwhelming support and are eager to commence work on the objectives outlined in this bounty.
For those who may not be familiar with it, you can review all the details of the bounty here. It's important to note that this referendum isn't requesting any additional funds; rather, it's a necessary step to establish the curators of the bounty.
In our comprehensive proposal, we've already provided a detailed section on the proposed curators to oversee the bounty. However, I'll provide a summarized version for the purposes of this referendum.
The bounty will be managed with a 4/7 multi-sig, which has already been set up:
- Vault (Pure Proxy): 14Gvqxjvy2rKFnY5BobiNq4ZsmbsHnnhZy1SqwZb3nhh3mLE
- Multi-Sig: 15NqvcaPDSc4TJSEERC8jLvs22dBqsDkjdzxW4tj1dkhTNq7
Below we'll outline the names and roles of each member of the curator set:
Nicolas Arevalo (Co-Founder & CEO of Velocity Labs)
Alberto Viera (Head of DevRel @ Moonbeam)
Bryan Chen (Co-Founder & CTO of Acala)
Lucas Vogelsang (Co-Founder & CEO of Centrifuge)
Leemo (Co-Founder Chaos DAO + Chief Nice Officer Novawallet)
Jakub Gregus (Co-Founder of HydraDX)
Giotto (Polkadot Activist)
We're confident we've gathered a curator set of the highest calliber and with the most relevant experience for the specific goals the bounty is set to achieve. Given everyone's reputation within the ecosystem, the curator will also provide a high degree of oversight and management into how the funds will ultimately be distributed.
Please post any questions you have in the comments :)
Voting NAY for all Whales proposals