For several years Polkadot has been at the forefront of blockchain technology, continually showing its dedication to enabling a truly decentralized world. Polkadot as an ecosystem has amazing diverse technology where the next generation Web3 applications can be built upon. Yet, Polkadot is not achieving growth like seen in other ecosystems. Why?
A main cause is that it is not easy for developers to build and deploy on Polkadot. Additionally, the largest pool of Web3 developers are smart contract developers. However, these developers are unable to access and use Polkadot’s amazing technology in their smart contracts. Currently, this functionality is only available to parachains.
Overall, the developer onboarding and experience must be improved. If smart contract developers are to choose to deploy on Polkadot over other ecosystems it must be easy to build and deploy on, but there also must be distinguishing factors that other ecosystems do not or cannot provide.
Enter Pop Network: the solution that bridges the gap between Polkadot’s complex infrastructure and application builders. Pop Network is an ink! enabled parachain that offers straightforward and stable interfaces (APIs) to smart contracts and only uses the DOT token. These APIs access the Pop Network runtime enabling smart contract developers to easily use the power of Polkadot to build unique solutions, like cross-chain applications, without inheriting its complexity. There is no need to learn complex pallet development, launch a parachain, or try to comprehend XCM. Pop Network abstracts these lower-level technologies making usage seamless. Imagine a Polkadot where smart contracts can be used to create cross-chain DAOs for voting and extending OpenGov, with only a few lines of code – powered by the DOT token. With the Pop Network parachain, this use case, and many more, are becoming a reality.
Pop Network only using the DOT token to deploy and use smart contracts helps reduce onboarding friction, while increasing DOT’s usage. Pop Network aims to be the easiest, fastest, and most empowering platform to onboard real world applications to Polkadot.
Pop Network is the programmable layer atop the infrastructure of the future web: Polkadot.
Pop Network is already live on the Paseo testnet supporting the PAS token as the native token on Pop Network. The UI enables easy PAS onboarding to Pop Network. Additionally, there is a first version of Pop Network’s API that ink! smart contracts can already use. Recently, Pop was presented at Sub0 where a smart contract purchased on-demand coretime, for a different parachain, with just adding two lines of ink! code. This is the power of Polkadot. Using the amazing existing technology to easily enable extraordinary applications that are only possible on Polkadot.
R0GUE is built from ex-Parity Tech Delivery Service’s engineers who are going r0gue and are prepared to challenge the status quo. Building proper solutions for Polkadot’s problems to help promote a new era of innovation. With over 10+ years of experience in Polkadot from working within Parity, the R0GUE team has amassed great knowledge of the technologies in Polkadot. Including, but not limited to, runtime & pallet development, XCM, parachains, ink!, light clients, migrations, benchmarking, subxt, and more. These skills were gained from directly building custom solutions for high-profile projects along with providing support to the wider ecosystem, including active support for the Paseo testnet.
R0GUE is asking for $587,100.00 (83,906.81 DOT) to achieve milestones 1 and 2 of Pop Network, encompassing development, auditing, and deployment on Polkadot. These milestones aim to propel smart contract development to new heights on Polkadot, driven by the DOT token. As Pop Network advances, it will ignite activity on Polkadot prompting additional demand for the DOT token and Coretime consumption.
Thanks and GO R0GUE.