Previous refill of 500k just got confirmed yesterday
I am requesting a refill of another 500k for the following reasons:
Right now marketing bounty doesn't have any funds and the next spending period is 22 days away. That means that the bounty will have to function on credit trying to promise influencers and partners that they will be paid later so as soon as we receive the funds a good chunk will immediately go because of the debts we will have accumulated during those 22 days
The price of DOT lost almost 50% since the previous refill of 500K was requested
Based on some feedback I received within some private chats and a survey on Twitter it seems that the community is more interested in transparency than in being cost effective. One of the reasons we are able to negotiate discounts with influencers is because we promise them that we will not disclose the individual prices but only the aggregate. Influencers do not want to offer discounts if those are going to be made public. However many people complain of lack of transparency and would prefer that we pay the full price and do not ask for discounts so that we can itemize how much we spend for every influencer instead of just providing the aggregate for a group of influencers. This is going to increase the cost of roughly 50% to 100% but we will get more transparency
M - Marketing
"The price of DOT lost almost 50% since the previous refill"
its NAY