(this is a resubmission after Ref 708 failed due to a technical reason)
The Polkadot Fellowship has introduced a new spend()
This proposal aims to raise awareness about the new features it supports and to test it out by tipping Alice und Bob 69 USDT on AssetHub.
The new spend()
extrinsic has been introduced with the Polkadot Runtime 1.1 upgrade. It supports:
This new extrinsic makes a lot of things possible:
This proposal is based on the information provided in this forum post and this instructional guide. It is intended to test if the extrinsic works as described. During the test, it was already discovered that the instructions are not exactly correct, as Polkadot.js tries to help the user by having value fields taking "DOT" values that add 10 decimals under the hood, which interferes with the GeneralIndex field of the assetKind location and the amount field. A wrongful proposal 707 was the result. This proposal should have corrected values. But further errors might be possible since this was never before tested in production.
I suggest sending 69 USDT because it's a funny number and it's related to Bitcoin
The call works as follows
The V3 AssetKind contains a V3 MultiLocation pointing to Parachain 1000 -> AssetHub. The AssetID is a relative location inside AssetHub pointing to PalletInstance 50 -> assets, GeneralIndex 1984 -> USDT
The amount is 69_000_000 (USDT is denominated with 6 decimals)
The beneficiary is Polkalytics, the company account of Alice und Bob
feature by sending Alice and Bob 69 USDT, which is a funny number.Threshold