This proposal is a top-up for the remaining funds of REF 641 which was underpaid by 20.3% due to the fluctuation of DOT.
INITIAL REQUEST: 35713 DOT (at 8.40) for a total of $299989,2
PAYMENT RECEIVED: 35713 DOT (at 6.69) for a total of $238919,97, meaning $61069,23 less than requested.
NEW REQUEST: 9461 DOT (at 7.10) for a total of $67173 with a 10% extra in case of fluctuation.
**Any amount that exceeds 61069,23 will be returned to the treasury.
[Check REF 641 here.]
This proposal wasn't made before due to the (by then) ongoing ref 718, after it being Nayed the top up ref is being posted.
Appreciate it! -JC