This is a proposal to tip Adam Steeber for creating and publishing the two-hour-long “[Polkadot Bounties, Multisigs, & Proxies]” tutorial on YouTube and Twitter.
This guide was very much needed: Usage of bounties and multisigs in the ecosystem is growing, but the UX is still hard to grasp. No guide of this size and quality existed before. This video is especially important and useful for all ecosystem agents responsible for creating and managing bounties. The tutorial extensively explains the progress and logic behind the bounties and their execution methods through multi-signature accounts. It is professionally split into lessons that are easy to navigate and communicate related features with instructive demonstrations, examples, and even small quizzes.
It will save bounty curators and other multisig managers countless hours.
To help propagate it, we have embedded it into the OpenGov.Watch guides section here and will keep suggesting it to future users.
This proposal is also a signal vote to reward ecosystem agents like Adam who put in countless hours to help others, educate, and provide support.
We really appreciate Adam for his initiative and the great video he made, however we want to highlight a flaw in this process:
If someone wants to contribute to the ecosystem from his own good will then it's totally fine and fully appreciated. However, if the purpose of this contribution is to claim afterwards a payment retrospectively, then the order should be exactly the opposite. Meaning, you first propose what you want to do and ask for the required payment, and if the community agrees it's necessary, then it should be approved and the proposer can start to work
Personally I prefer to avoid a situation where many people start to take their own initiatives, do their job, and after they finish ask for a payment. That's our main reason for voting against this proposal since it's not a regular tip for something made "out of the blue", but a payment for a job that was planned to do in order to claim the payment afterwards