Treasury Proposal: This Proposal to Polkadot Treasury aims to boost the brand recognition of Polkadot to a broader group of audience in APAC.
Proposer: (Odaily)
DOT Address:
Date: Nov.6, 2024, Requested DOT: 20,000 DOTs (Rate: 4.01 USD/DOT, which is equivalent to 80,000USD)
Short description: The media and marketing plan to bring brand awareness and community influence to a broader group of general blockchain audiences.
1. Brief Introduction
Odaily proposes to provide a customized media service package to boost the brand recognition and community influence of Polkadot to a much broader group of blockchain audiences in APAC through Odaily. Polkadot has gained good traction in the Polkadot audience. Still, certainly, it has broad room to expand the media exposure and community awareness to the fast-growing broader general blockchain audience. Odaily(see the explanation of business relationships in the below section) is here to help bring the general awareness of Polkadot in the Chinese-speaking community to another level.
2. Background
In addition, Odaily is the Chinese media outlet that possesses the deepest understanding and extensive research on the Polkadot ecosystem. It has maintained long-term collaborations with ecosystem projects such as Moonbeam, Acala, Bifrost, and Litentry, and has published over 500 articles related to Polkadot themes. Odaily has made relentless efforts to support the promotion of Polkadot within the Chinese community.
2.1 About Odaily
Odaily was founded in early 2018, it is a Chinese leading web3.0 and blockchain-focused media platform incubated by 36Kr, (funding team members are from 36KR). is the largest Chinese technology news aggregation site and financial media group, it went public on Nasdaq (KRKR) in 2019 and covers a 50 million reader base.
Odaily has the largest and most professional crypto-focused original content editing team. It covers the latest news, fresh views, in-depth analysis, and industry reports, our articles have a total exposure of more than 6 billion views. More than 50% of mainstream web3 projects were first exposed in the Chinese market through Odaily.
Together with your team, our talents can help deliver the true value of your project and build solid brand recognition and community consensus in China and pan-Asia.
Meanwhile, Odaily helps 800+ clients build brand awareness in the Chinese market including well-known giant companies, organizations, exchanges, funds, DeFi protocols, and NFT projects. Like Binance, Solana, Dfinity, Near, Dapper Labs, Animoca Brands, Jianan(Nasdaq: CAN), Tencent, Alipay…etc. We spread the core value of each project through our multi-channel network.
2.2 Why us?
Odaily is the top-tier professional blockchain media in Chinese Chinese-speaking community. We have the top influence and resources to generate the best content with business insights and unique views and deliver the content to the desired blockchain audience maximum.
3、What problem is the Treasury fund used to solve?
Polkadot gained pretty good traction in APAC marketing for the Polkdot audience in the past. However, the size of the general blockchain audience grows fast and there is still broad room for Polkadot to expand to gain the bigger size of the pie. Odaily as a top professional blockchain media, can help Polkadot to achieve this goal and gain more audience in general blockchain pie. Odaily has the confidence to convert our business insight and deep understanding of the Asian market of the blockchain into practical help and effective deliverables to Polkadot.
Odaily would design a customized yet comprehensive package to help Polkadot gain wider exposure in media and community. We plan to generate top-quality content with the blockchain insider’s view and deliver this content through our media Platform for the maximum coverage of the blockchain audience in the APAC market.
4. Solutions and Timeline
4.1 The General Plan of 2025
Odaily offers a customized service package to improve the overall Polkadot brand, increase media exposure, and broaden community awareness.
Following are the three folds of the plan,
Publicize official events from Polkadot and the aligned community partners in the Asia Pacific (Will work with Polkadot’s local teams and local community partners in APAC)
The plan for 2025 includes but is not limited to the following major official events:•sub0¨ For each event, Odaily provides the following media support,
● An introductory article about the event, including the way to sign up or how to buy tickets. (Note: Will work with Polkadot local team to produce the article and content. Odaily polishes the article and publishes it over Odaily platforms.)
● Odaily will help invite suitable guests to participate in the event and distribute event information to the target audience.
Publicize 5 projects in Polkadot Ecology
2025 Polkadot Ecology Projects: projects that emerge from Polkadot boot camps, Substrate Hackathons, Substrate Courses, and Substrate Workshops.
Currently, it is estimated to have the size of 5 projects in the year 2024, and the media support for each project includes,
● A dedicated Twitter Space introducing the project, combining current trends and project highlights to design the Space topic. Service includes Event design + guest invitation, promotion and pre-heating + event activation, content follow-up + channel distribution.
● An Introductory article about the project (Polish the self-introduction article for the project and publish it on the Odaily platform. The content suggests including the founding team, the vision of your project, the project features, the product roadmap, the projection of the project, etc.)
Besides these 5 projects, special merit projects may also receive ad-hoc reporting and media support per the recommendation of the local team of Polkadot and their local community partners.
Publicize the strategy of Polkadot Ecosystem development in APAC from the local team of Polkadot
• The comprehensive support to Substrate Devs in Polkadot Ecosystem • APAC Strategy of Polkadot Ecosystem Development
In a nutshell, the quantity of the breaking news and articles are listed below ¨Activity – ¨Project - 5 press releases; 5 Twitter space¨ Polkadot Team- 2 Articles
4.2 Detailed Delivery Plan and Budget
Service items
Cost and Human Resource
Total Allocation( discount)
Chinese content creation
1. Odaily provides an in-depth analysis of product advantages from perspectives such as market prospects, product highlights, vision, and mechanisms, to assist Polkadot in shaping their brand image.2. Odaily APP/PC platform + Twitter + Telegram + WeChat, distributed in more than 30 active communities, external channel distribution, and in-app push notifications.3. Chinese media distribution channels: Jinse Finance, MarsBit, CoinTime, Shilian Finance, Zhihu, Sohu, Weibo, Xueqiu, Toutiao, Sina, and more.4. sample:
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 3000 per article ● Cost of web advertising (Front Page display) 2500 per article
10,000 USD
Flash news release
1. Provide real-time updates on news and events related to Party A (collaborations, integrations, data performance, product updates, etc.) in a newsflash format. Odaily App/PC Home Page + Distribution to Over 30 Active Community Groups
● 1 Content Operations Manager USD 500 per news
18,000 USD
Event PR Article
Event PR article published in the Polkadot’s column on leading blockchain media: a. Publicize official Polkadot and W3F events in the Asia Pacific (full list of events provided by Polkadot Asia team) The plan for 2024 includes but is not limited to the following major official events: For each event, Odaily provides the
following media support, ● An introductory article about the event, including the way to sign up or how to buy tickets. (Note: Will work with Polkadot local team to produce the article and content. Odaily polishes the article and publishes it over Odaily platforms.) ● Odaily will help invite suitable guests to participate in the event and distribute event information to the target audience. b. Publicize the strategy of Polkadot ecosystem development • The comprehensive support to Substrate Devs in Polkadot Ecosystem • APAC Strategy of Polkadot Ecosystem Development
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 500 per article
6,000 USD
Article synchronization
Polkadot Daily News Tracking (providing basic drafts, to be edited and reviewed by the editorial team before publishing)
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 1000 per article
12,000 USD
Project-related integrations in in-depth industry reports
Project-related integrations in in-depth industry reports can be carried out as per the requirements, including industry ecosystem mapping integration and the timing of industry article integrations. These will be adjusted based on the current trends and the scheduling by the Odaily editorial department. The specific content release will be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 2000 per article
4,000 USD
AMA& community building
1. Odaily organized the online AMA activity beforehand, set up a new WeChat group for this online AMA, and hosted and wrapped up a summation article by Odaily1 new community can be given to the project party as a follow-up community (more than 450 people) + live broadcast in over 30 active communities + 2 core refined news flashes + 1 AMA summation content (synchronized with Odaily APP/ website) + 10+ industry media
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 5000 per AMA
5,000 USD
Article Distribution
1. The in-depth article will be distributed to 10+ leading blockchain media.
2. The in-depth article will be distributed to several first-line blockchain media, including but not limited to Sina Weibo, Sohu, Tencent, 163, Toutiao, Jianshu, etc.
3. Average pageview reaches 4000+, among which several reach 20000+
10 media
● 1 article Distribution manager USD 1000 per article
2,000 USD
Flash news Distribution
1. The flash news will be distributed to leading blockchain media as well as price information platforms, and wallets, including but not limited to Shilian Finance, Weibo, Sina, MyToken, TokenPocket, etc.
2. Through 10+ platforms, flash news could reach more than 100,000+ readers, average pageview could reach 5000.
20 platforms
● 1 newsflash Distribution manager USD 250 per news
9,000 USD
Community Distribution
Related content would be distributed to 20+ communities, including 10+ most related communities and 10000+ participants to achieve the best exposure of the project.
20 communities
● 1 Community Distribution manager USD 400 per news
Project Article Release
1. Based on the Polkadot ecological project’s original article, Odaily polished the original introduction article and published it on the Odaily platform’s home page to convey the brand positioning of the project to the industry.
2. Odaily APP/PC platform + Twitter + Telegram + WeChat, distributed in more than 30 active communities, external channel distribution, and in-app push notifications.
3. Chinese media distribution channels: Jinse Finance, MarsBit, CoinTime, Shilian Finance, Zhihu, Sohu, Weibo, Xueqiu, Toutiao, Sina, and more.
4. sample:
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 1000 per article
Odaily Twitter Space
1. Pre-, during, and post-event services for the Odaily operations team.Event design + guest invitation, promotion, and pre-heating + event activation, content follow-up + channel distribution.
2. Curate high-quality news flash x3 and distribute them across the entire internet.
● 2 Content Operations Managers USD 1000 per AMA
Online &Offline events
1. Odaily has rich experience in offline event organizations. Odaily has planned and organized large, medium, and small offline events many times, including side events around Wanxiang events, Token2049, Private Events, Customer Appreciation, etc.
2. According to the needs of the project leader and industry hot spots, Odaily will plan and organize appropriate offline events, focusing on assisting the project leader in planning the theme of the meeting, inviting guests, etc.
3. Recommend the project leader to participate in appropriate offline events for the first time.
4. Coordinate media relations, plan the content direction, do a good job of pre-publicity and follow-up content dissemination of offline activities, and maximize the benefits of offline activities in terms of communication.
For the upcoming event, we will have in-depth cooperation with Polkadot as a Strategic Partner, our service in the event is free of charge for Polkadot.
Column Update
1. Open a column for the project at one of the leading blockchain media. Automatically grab the updated content of the latest official WeChat account to improve the search weights.
2. The article may be reviewed and edited if necessary.
1 Column Manager USD 500 for creating the column on Odaily. For the long-term cooperation, we set this for free.
other media resources
1. Odaily can help create marketing posters based on major milestones such as brand upgrades.
2. Odaily is responsible for end-to-end design; cooperation with media and community invitations and distribution.
3. Comprehensive strategic support for project activities throughout the service period; full coverage on websites and social media.
4. Conducting public opinion monitoring, coordinating publicity schedules and partnerships, and providing public relations information and recommendations for activities.
5. Utilize industry-specific resources as needed for KOL and other resources.
6. The Odaily App sends customer news to all online users 6 times.
The pop-up advertising space on the Odaily website and app is priced at a minimum of 1000 U each time. In addition to this, we also offer complimentary additional media resources to you.
The content submitted needs to fulfill the policy of related media; the media has the right to refuse to publish unsuitable content on the front page. If some services listed can not be delivered, they will be replaced with other services with similar value. Period of service: the full year of 2025 till Jan., 2026 Team: PR adviser, Media Adviser, and Operation Specialist.
Media Exposure
Blockchain Media: Odaily PC & APP, Marsbit, Jinse Finance, etc. (3+ at least) Internet Media: MicroBlog, SOHU, Tencent, Netease, Toutiao, YidianZixun, BaiduBaijia, Jiangsu, etc.
• Blockchain Media: Odaily PC & APP, Marsbit, Jinse Finance, Chaincatcher, etc. (3+ at least)
Internet Media: MicroBlog, SOHU, Tencent, Netease, Toutiao, YidianZixun, BaiduBaijia, Jiangsu, etc.
We are reasonably requesting 20,000 DOTs, which is equivalent to an 80,000 USD valued package, with a SUBSCAN rate of 4.01 USD/DOT.
Payment Terms are below.
• Contact Person: Connie Ji
• Email: [email protected]
• Payment in advance.
The credits of the article are reserved in the Odaily account available for the local team of Polkadot to use anytime in the year 2025 till Jan., 2026. Credits are ok to carry over to the next calendar year if the credits are not used up. Each article (including the production and delivery of the article and flash news) will take off the credit accordingly.
What's the difference with your previous rejected proposal ?
With the passing of referendum 1166, Marketing Bounty 2.0, all marketing and outreach referenda must be proposed to the Marketing Bounty as approving additional referenda will increase that 10% treasury income significantly.
Our recommendation is for all marketing and outreach referenda to be submitted the Marketing Bounty exclusively.
Dear @Odaily,
Thank you for your proposal. Our vote on this proposal is NAY. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
Several members suggested this proposal would be better suited for the marketing bounty rather than standalone funding. Concerns were raised about the request being in DOT instead of stable coins, and some questioned the effectiveness of this type of marketing strategy. While the initiative’s potential to enhance Polkadot’s presence in the APAC region was noted, the majority preferred the proposal to be revisited under the marketing bounty framework.
The full discussion can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO
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