Note! This is a resubmission of 1208 with a lower tip amount at the request of the beneficiary, Lily. See here
This tip is made for the recent contribution of Lily Mendz to the Polkadot DAO related to bringing transparency to the bounties in Polkadot.
The purpose is threefold:
Here is the problem we think the bounties book / dune dashboard solves: While bounties are all on-chain, it’s difficult to actually understand what bounties are available, because the information is hard to find. There is no easy place to discover if there is an applicable bounty to help individuals who may need funding. In addition, we don’t have any available tracking of bounty spends, without a good amount of manual work (either from the bounty curator team or from an interested individual). The Dune Dashboard should save everyone time. This solution may not be the be-all and end-all, but it’s a great step (and Lily has mentioned she will keep developing it), especially as we keep a closer eye on treasury spending.
While Lily has spent a significant amount of time (self-reported ~70 hours) on this project at the time of the announcement, this tip is not meant to reflect any particular hourly rate to be applied to Lily’s work. We have not corresponded with her previously, nor was she expecting this.
Why DOT and not USDC or USDT? While the ultimate use of funds is up to her, we think in this situation that DOT can give Lily a greater voice in governance and align her interests with the network longer term.
The DAO thanks you for your service!
Mario A
and more
Lily Mendz worked on a project to make it easier to find bounties in Polkadot. Here’s what you need to know:
I have voted AYE on this proposal.
I have really appreciated the posts from Lily on the forum, and seeing her activity across various Polkadot channels.
Its exciting to see (relatively?) new members join the Polkadot ecosystem not just by watching and "hodling", but actually participating in the systems we are building.
Just as clarification on my position on these kinds of proposals:
That final point being said, I think this tip is for outcomes achieved, which everyone is able to see and judge for themselves.
Thank you @W1ZSPR3 for recognizing members in our community.